INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR: Designing Indonesian Election System: Lesson Learn from Germany’s MMP System

Tuesday (12/11) held the international seminar for the second time as one of the agendas in visiting the professor session. This seminar discusses the design of an election system that focused on Indonesia and Germany. The speaker of this session was Dr. Phil. Ridho Al – Hamdi, MA, and Dr. Andreas Ufen. Shortly, Ridho is the director of IGOV and one of the lecturers in DGAA, whether Dr. Ufen is one of the researchers in Germany Institute for Global Area Studies (GIGA). The seminar starts at 09.30 moderated by Adibah Dhivani Gusmi, S.IP, located at the amphitheater postgraduate building, room 4.

First, Ridho told the students on his current research that he focused on the political cleavage in the Indonesian general election 2019. He also said to the students that the methods that will be used are the mixing method. The cleavage that will be talked profoundly is on the participatory of the three governance actors in the election itself. Even, Ridho shows the participants the percentage of the dead people in the election this year. Ridho also compares the different works of the local team in Indonesia and Germany. The ballot was also different from each other.

Next, Dr. Andreas Ufen shares the Federal Constitution (Art.21, par.1): “Political parties shall participate in the formation of the political will of the people. They may be freely established. Their internal organization must conform to democratic principles. They must publicly account for their assets and the sources and use of their funds.” The multiparty system characterized by well-institutionalized parties and cleavages, but shrinking membership and dealignment of parties; rise of populism. He also shares on the phenomenon that happens from early 1875 until nowadays on SPD. The SPD was established in 1875; KPD banned in 1956. Afterward, CDU combines Protestant and Catholic parties. Instead of combining the PDS a result of the dissolution of the SED, “Die, Linke,” a merger of PDS and parts of the SPD. The Pirates were now uninfluential in the parliament or even the society. Moving to the last is AFD now right-wing extremist.

Start from the early 2000 the system was combines closed-list proportional representation system (at the state level) with single-member district system; 5 percent threshold, “best of both worlds”, but highly complex, 598 regular seats: 299 elected directly in constituencies, the other half through proportional representation system using a party-list drawn up for each of the 16 states, and also added are overhang and compensating seats. (AD)

Discussing on Indonesian Democracy after the Election

Bantul – IGOV UMY in collaboration with IP UMY, Lab IP UMY, JKSG, MIP UMY and the YOI Press successfully orginized a public lecture on two recent books published by Yayasan Obor Indonesia. The event was located at the 5th Floor, AR Fachruddin Building, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta on Thursday, 28 April 2019. The two books entitled “Democracy for Sale: Pemilu, Klientalisme, dan Negara Indonesia” written by Erdward Aspinall and Ward Berenschot and “Citizenship in Indonesia: Perjuangan atas Hak, Identitas, dan Partisipasi” written by Ward Berenschot and Gerry van Klinken. Three speakers were coming Gerry van Klinken, Ward Berenschot, and Dr. phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi, MA. Hundreds participants were coming, not only UMY students but also UUM Malaysia students, Princeton University students and other guests from different institutions.

Our Participation in the Spectacular Election of the World

Bantul – Ridho Al-Hamdi and his family were participating in the most spectacular election of the world which took place on Wednesday, 17 April 2019. Ridho and his family were going to visit the polling station (TPS) 56, Dusun Kasihan RT 02 Desa Tamantirto, Kec. Kasihan, Bantul Regency. They went to the TPS at 10:00 am. The background of the TPS is related to superheros because the officers of KPPS (Kelompok Penyelenggara Pemungutan Suara) were wearing the superheros’ clothes such as Gatot Kaca, Power Ranger, Iron Man, etc. A lot of society came to the TPS because they are served by traditional foods. The foods were free for visitors. The TPS was closed at 15:00 pm and, in turn, continued by the calculation of ballot papers. May we have a desired president and vice president.

Faskho Discussion: Who Are We? Indonesia

Bantul – Komisariat Fakultas of Muhammadiyah Student Association (Komfak IMM) FKIK UMY invited Dr. phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi, MA as the speaker on their a routine discussion of Fastabiqul Khoirat entitled “Who Are We? Indonesia: Athiullah wa Athiurrasul wa Ulil Amri minkum”. The event was held at Amphitheater Room 2nd Floor Building E Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta on Monday, 15 April 2019. Ridho delivered on the current development of Indonesian democracy mainly in coping with the upcoming election of 17 April 2019.

Anti-Money Politics Training for Society

Bantul – Located at Balai Desa Wirokerten, Banguntapan Sub-District, Bawaslu DIY in collaboration with LP3M UMY was organizing the training of anti-money politics for society on Sunday, 14 April 2019 at 20:00-22:00 pm. This event was technically organized by UMY students who took a part in a social service program (Kuliah Kerja Nyata). Dr. phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi was the speaker who delivered on the importance to reject any kinds of money politics in the election. The participants were government apparatus at the grassroots such as head of RT, RW, and Dusun.

Darul Arqom Training for Mu’allimin Pupils

Sleman – Madrasah Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta invited Dr. phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi, MA as one of the speakers at the leadership traning namely “Darul Arqom Purna” on Thrusday, 11 April 2019 at 08:30-10:30 am. This training which located at the Youth Center Sleman was attended by approximately 150s pupils of senior high school (third degree). This training as the last modal for them before the graduation. Success for you, boys.

School for Election Witnesses

Bantul – Laboratorium Ilmu Pemerintahan (Lab IP) UMY in collaboration with Netgrit and KISP successfully organized “Sekolah Pemantau Pemilu” (School for Election Witnesses) on Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at Amphitheater Room 4th Floor Postgraduate Building Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Speakers who invited in this event are Dr. phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi (political analyst), Sigit Pamungkas, MA (Netgrit representative and former commissioner of KPU RI), and Agus Yasmin (Bawaslu DIY). Ridho was requested to deliver the topic on the importance of the role of society in succeeding the election, Agus spoke on the role of witnesses in the election while Sigit delivered on how to report C1 Plano through the application system.

National Seminar on the Politics of Nationality

Yogyakarta – Student Executive Board of Universitas Muhammadiyah (BEM KM UMY) was organizing the national seminar on how to realize the politics of nationality (politik kebangsaan) towards Indonesia with-progress. Ridho Al-Hamdi and Haris Azhar were invited to be distinguished speakers who moderated by M. Iqbal Khatami, UMY communication student. The seminar was opened by the vice rector UMY, Hilman Latief, PhD. The topics discussed in this session were related to issues of democracy, human right, election, and the optimism of young generation in coping with the future.

PPNA and Setkab RI on FGD of Young Women Issues

Yogyakarta – Sekretariat Kabinet (Setkab) Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the central board of Nasyiatul ‘Aisyiyah (PP NA) was successfully organizing a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the strengthening the young women commitment in maintaining diversity and nationality toward Indonesia with progress. Ridho Al-Hamdi along with other speakers were invited as the speakers who deliver their speech on the topic. The event was held in Grand Aston Hotel Yogyakarta, Sunday, 07 April 2019.

Talkshow on Being an Inspiring Muslimah

Sleman – Madrasah Mu’allimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta organized a talk show on being an inspiring Muslimah in the global age for its own female pupils (grade three of the junior high school) at Asrama Haji Yogyakarta, Jl. Ringroad Utara Yogyakarta, 04 April 2019. Ridho was invited by the committee to deliver his speech on that topic along with other female speaker, Syahdara Annisa, alumnus of Mu’allimaat. A lot of questions were coming from participants. They were enthusiastic.